
Hi! I’m Larc and I’m A Black Girl Gone Vegan. Welcome to my blog. I am so proud to be a kid advocate on how important it is to live a healthy life by fighting childhood obesity and always being compassionate to animals.

 I will share all of  my favorite recipes, advice, and even my favorite workouts with all of you! We will even talk about Children Entertainment news!

 I’ve learned so much about fitness from my Mommy and Granny. I’ve always loved animals and for as long as I can remember, my Mom has always said treat people how you want to be treated.  In my mind, I hear my Mommy say this to me several times throughout my day. It’s a reminder, that everyone, even Animals deserve to live live full of  love and absent of abuse. 

Grown ups have always made becoming vegan seem hard! That’s why I’m here. To bring Veganism to every kid wanting to become healthier and live their best life!! The GOOD and EASY way!

Love Larc