
The emotions I felt were so unreal at the book release of BGGV!

We had a surprise debut of our book “BeyoncĂ© Style” Tuesday... and on Wednesday we announced a book signing thst would all go down in 48 hours! I’ll be honest; I was so damn nervous, lol! My Mom and I hadn’t released a real project since 2016, and to be honest social media has changed.
Everyone is selling items now-compared to how it was 5-6 years ago. So the competition is stiff.

My self doubt kicked in. “Shouldn’t we release it on a Monday?”... “Shouldn’t we give people more time to get ready for the book signing?” The other side of your good spirit will always find a way to give you confusion, and as entrepreneur this can put you in a slump.
But babyyyy when I tell you it was more people there than I could I have imagined, you would of thought we was giving out third stimulus checks lol! Friends from high school I haven’t seen in ages, so many beautiful children, omg- we even had two families who travel hundreds of miles. One from Columbus, Ga and one from Charleston, SC!

We knew we had to sign books, but ofcourse with becoming an author you have to speak more. My week was so busy- I didn’t have a real time to study- I would be driving and speaking points would pop in my head and I’ll grab my phone and jot it down. I gave myself 2-3 speaking points and just kept saying to myself “just be you”, “speak from experience” and as soon I got the mic I just started talking to the crowd like they were my friends!

The support has always been heavy for us, because people know if we stamp our name on something it’s been tried and tested and will be of quality.

And I have my brother, Robert Ector to thank for that! Rob, put this whole event together- it went soooo smoothly! The decor was so detailed I thought he called a party planning service! The whole ambiance from the food, the music, the guest, everyone dressed up so nicely was definitely Black Excellence. This was a celebration for all of us!

Thanks again for support, and we are working on our next vegan rooftop event ;) See you there!!!

In the meanwhile, check out all the FAB photos from the night.

Photo credit Jamal Mitchell



Hey my girls,

I’m a keep it real: my daughter was overweight and even as personal trainer I didn’t know how to tell her. I quickly imagined all the other moms around the world straddling that tight rope and wondering what to do. I felt horrible.
I felt guilty like it was fault, and to be honest it partly it was. I was busy- in between the gym- client homes making sure they were on their  “A” game but then in the back in my mind I felt and I was failing inside my home. I had to give my daughter a chance at a healthy life,

I know, I know your thinking “why not let her work out with you and the girls and the gym” ? but we allllll know nothing changes inside the gym unless you change what’s on your PLATE! What you put in your mouth is what’s matter MOST!

So I changed what I cooked inside my own home. Sometimes she knew items were Vegan and a lot of times she didn’t.

This project means so much to me! It’s so powerful! What started off as a challenge inside our home is now a final blueprint of book with personal stories, beauty tips and bomb recipes from three generations of Black Women! Wow, four years in the making (because we wanted to make it perfect!) We hope you enjoy this art cookbook just as much as we did curating it for generations to come.
